By VHB-Rating
Does Uncertainty Matter? Consumer Behavior under Three-Part Tariffs
Marketing Science
The Adjustment of Credit Ratings in Advance of Defaults
Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 31 (3), pp. 751-767
WI-Schlagwort: Open Access
Applying Pricing Engineering for Electronic Financial Markets
Electronic Markets, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 298-308
The role of manager's risk attitude for outsourcing success
15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS07)
Innovationsförderung im öffentlichen Umfeld durch Public Private Partnerships - Das Beispiel der Satellitennavigation
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2007 2, 77-79
Total Return Strategies for Multi-Asset Portfolios
The Journal Of Portfolio Management
Standardizing Interactive Pricing for Electronic Business
Electronic Markets, Vol. 18, No. 2.
The Impact of Perceived Risk on the Capital Market's Reaction to Outsourcing Announcements
Information Technology and Management, Vol. 8, No.4 pp. 279-296
The Interplay of Outsourcing Risks and Benefits
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007)
An empirical exploration of how process standardization reduces outsourcing risk
40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS40)
Management of Service-oriented Architecture (SoA)-based Application Systems
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal , Vol. 2, No. 1
ComEx: Kombinatorische Auktionen zum innerbetrieblichen Austausch von Logistikdienstleistungen
8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
Zahlungsbereitschaft für elektronische Signaturen
in A. Oberweis, C. Weinhardt, H. Gimpel, A. Koschmider, V. Pankratius und B. Schnizler (Eds.), Wirtschaftsinformatik 2007 - eOrganisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering, 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik , Universitätsverlag
Native Code Security for Grid Services
Proceedings of the 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, pp. 513-530
Outsourcing Relationships: The Contract as IT Governance Tool
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2007)
MiFID-Readiness - Die Umsetzung der MiFID "Markets in Financial Instruments Directive" in der deutschen Finanzindustrie
Proceedings of the 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007), vol. 2, pp. 741-758
The Influence of Alignment on the Post-Implementation Success of a Core Banking Information System: An Embedded Case Study
40th Hawaii International Conference on Information Systems
An Order-Channel Management Framework for Institutional Investors
Proceedings of the 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007), Vol. 2, pp. 705-722
Extending the Applicability of Recommender Systems: A Multilayer Framework for Matching Human Resources
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40)
Conflicts and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Remote Collaboration via Videoconferencing
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40)
Prozessverantwortung und Dokumentation als Determinanten der Effizienz und Qualität der Transportplanung:Ein Modell auf Basis einer empirischen Untersuchung unter 1000 deutschen Unternehmen
8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
Towards an IT production function: understanding routines as fundamental for IT value creation
Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM), Vol. 20, No. 4, 380-395
Evaluating channel performance in multi-channel environments
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 14(1):17
Studie: Banken zeigen sich offen gegenüber Service-orientierten Architekturen
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Privacy-Friendly LBS: A Prototype-supported Case Study
Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems
An Approach for Capacity Planning for Web Service Workflows
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Enabling Efficient and Privacy-friendly Location-based Services with Standardized Intermediary Infrastructures
Forthcoming in the Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, USA August 09th-12th 2007
Service-Oriented Architecture Paradigm: Major Trend or Hype for the German Banking Industry?
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Getting ready for success: may alignment be of help?
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007); (Nominated Best Paper)
How to Measure Relationships – Merging Alignment and Outsourcing Research towards a Unified Relationship Quality Construct
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Electronic Trading Venue Peers
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Modeling Information Lifecycle Management
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
A Method for File Valuation in Information Lifecycle Management
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Cost Impacts on Information Lifecycle Management Design
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Towards a Taxonomy of Mobile Applications
Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
An Electronic Market Framework for context-sensitive Mobile Consumer Profiles in the Marketing Domain
Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, USA August 09th-12th 2007
How to Convince People who don’t Like IT to Use IT - A Case Study On eRecruiting
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Differences in Contracting: Anchoring Formal and Relational Norms within BPO Governance
Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007); NOMINATED FOR BEST PAPER AWARD
The Impact of Operational Alignment on IT Flexibility - Empirical Evidence from a Survey in the German Banking Industry
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
How to Configure Cost-Optimal Procurement Consortia for Academic Libraries
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)
Wie lässt sich die MiFID für neue Geschäftsmodelle nutzen?
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, Ausgabe Technik - IT für Finanzdienstleister, Issue 1/2007, pp. 11-13
No VHB Rating
Explaining the Adoption of Value Metrics in Retail Banks
Pre-ICIS Workshop: FinanceCom 2007
General Requirements of Banks on IT Architectures and the Service-Oriented Architecture Paradigm
3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom 2007)
Privacy-enhancing user-friendly Identity Management for Location Based Services using PRIME technology – A legal discussion
Cyberlaw Security & Private, The Second International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in Information Technology (LSPI)
Worst-Case Performance Analysis of Web Service Workflows
9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application & Services (IIWAS 2007)
Privacy-Respecting Location-Based Service Infrastructures: A Socio-Technical Approach to Requirements Engineering
Journal of Theoretical and Applied E-Commerce research (2:3), pp. 1-17,
Optimising Security Configurations with Service Level Agreements
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA7)
Dauerhaft getrenntes Processing für Zahlungsverkehr, Wertpapier, Kredit?
Immobilien & Finanzierung - Der Langfristige Kredit
Recruiting Trends 2007
career service papers
Taugt die Industrie als Vorbild
Geldinstitute 12/2007
Den Beratungsprozess optimieren - Eine Analyse zum Einsatz von Marktdaten und technischen Systemen in der Anlageberatung bei Deutschlands 500 größten Kreditinstituten
Combining Incomparable Public Session Keys and Certificateless Public Key Cryptography for Securing the Communication Between Grid Participants
Proceedings of International Conference on Grid Computing, High-Performance and Distributed Applications (GADA07)
Potentielle Auswirkungen des Paradigmas der Service-orientierten Architekturen auf die Softwarebranche - Ergebnisse einer Studie aus der deutschen Bankenindustrie
Science Meets Business (Tagungsband des Stuttgarter Softwaretechnik Forum 2007)
Management von IT-Großprojekten mit der Öffentlichen Hand am Beispiel von TollCollect
On the Management Requirements of Web Service compositions
Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology WEWST 2007 (in conjunction with IEEE ECOWS 2007)
Potenzialanalyse im Order-to-Cash und Purchase-to-Pay : Vom Einkauf und Verkauf bis zur Finanzabteilung
Universität Frankfurt
Bewerbungspraxis 2008 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit über 10.000 Stellensuchenden im Internet
Den Bewerber direkt abholen
Personalwirtschaft - Sonderheft E-Recruiting 11/2007
Service-orientierte Architekturen - Status quo und Perspektive für die deutsche Bankenbranche
Books on Demand
Empowering LBS Users: Technical, Legal and Economic Aspects
Proceedings of the eChallenges conference 2007
Algorithmic Trading and its Impact on Markets
EFL Quarterly 04/2007, pp. 4-5
Elicitation of Profile Attributes by Transparent Communication
Proccedings of ACM Recommender Systems 2007, pp. 199-202
Adaptive Customer Profiles For Context Aware Services in a Mobile Environment
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 251, Integration and Innovation Orient to E-Society Volume 1, Wang, W. (Eds), (Boston: Springer), pp. 390-399
MiFID - Catalyst for a new trading landscape in Europe?
Pre-Conference Proceedings of the 1st Special Focus Symposium on Market Microstructure: From Orders to Prices - Best Execution in the Age of Algo Trading and Event Stream Processing, 1st International Conference on Advances and Systems Research
Integration of European Securities Settlement Systems - A Transaction Cost Based Analysis of Models for Integration
FinanceCom 2007
Herding and Threshold Behavior within a Microscopic Stock Market
Workshop on Heterogeneous Agent Systems and Complex Networks (European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS 2007)
Governance im Business Process Outsourcing
Books on Demand
Building a Demilitarized Zone with Data Encryption for Grid Environments
Proceedings of First International Conference on Networks for Grid Applications
Benchmarking Latency in Securities Trading - An In Depth View on Trading at Light Speed
Pre-Conference Proceedings of the 1st Special Focus Symposium on Market Microstructure: From Orders to Prices – Best Execution in the Age of Algo Trading and Event Stream Processing, 1st International Conference on Advances and Systems Research
Trends in European Cross-Border Securities Settlement - TARGET2-Securities and the Code of Conduct
FinanceCom 2007
Innovative Tools: Idea Markets
EFL Quarterly 04/2007
The New Landscape: How MiFID Drives Changes Among European Execution Venues
Journal of Trading, Fall 2007, Volume 2, Number 4, pp. 69-79
Mobile Marketing für Banken – zwischen Multikanal und Mehrwerten
Bankmagazin 10/2007
Network Centrality and Stock Market Volatility: The Impact of Communication Topologies on Prices
Econophysics Colloquium and Beyond
Unternehmensbewertung auf der Basis von Kundenlebenswerten
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 59 (September)
WSQoSX – A QoS architecture for Web Service workflows
5th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2007), Demo Track
Optimale Positionierung von Suchwortanzeigen
Schwarz, T. (Hrsg.), "Leitfaden Online-Marketing", S. 338-343.
Recruiting Trends 2007 - Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000 Unternehmen aus der Schweiz
Recruiting Trends 2007 - Österreich - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000 Unternehmen aus Österreich
Recruiting Trends 2007
Sesselwechsel 9/2007
Financial Supply Chain Management
Diss. Univ. Frankfurt
Moderne Banksteuerung
Books on Demand
Integration von Vertriebskanälen durch einheitliche Authentifizierungs- und Autorisierungsverfahren
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 3-2007
Impact of Information Technology on Settlement Services for Equities
Report of Market Study (September 2007)
Umsetzung der MiFID in Deutschland - Empirische Studien zu Status Quo und Entwicklung der MiFID-Readiness der deutschen Finanzindustrie
Books on Demand GmbH
Investment Mistakes of individual Investors and the Impact of Financial Advice
Quantum Game Theory and Open Access Publishing
Physica A 382 (2007) 650-664
Enterprise Identity Management – What’s in it for Organisations?
Pre-Proceedings Third IFIP / FIDIS Summer School 2007
The Missing Link between Investors and Portfolios: Introducing Financial Advice
Software Architectures - Description Languages and Evaluation Methods
The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Addressing Privacy Risks in Social Networking Applications
Post-Proceedings: The Future of Identity in the Information Society
Internetportale: Die Präferenzen der Firmenkunden
Die Bank, (August) S. 72-74
Dynamische Visualisierung serviceorientierter Architekturen
Diplomica Verlag
Do German Banks Successfully Outsource Back-Office Processes?
EFL Quarterly 03/07
An Approach to the Analysis and Evaluation of an Enterprise Service Ecosystem
Proceedings of the ICSOFT'07 Workshop on Architectures, Concepts and Technologies for Service Oriented Computing
Experimental Validation of Quantum Game Theory
Ist Deutschland „ready“ für die MiFID?
BankPraktiker, Issue 07B, pp. 8-9
Drivers of and barriers to management accounting change
Ganzheitliche Finanzplanung – Individuelle Beratung mithilfe von Standardtools?
Bankmagazin 07/2007
An Empirical Comparison of Different Methods to Estimate Willingness-to-Pay Functions
Marketing Science Conference 2007; Singapore
The Impact of Social Network Structure on Name-Your-Own-Price Markets
Marketing Science Conference 2007; Singapore
Efficient Oblivious Augmented Maps: Location-Based Services with a Payment Broker
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on Privacy-enhancing technology
Dienstgüteunterstützung für Service-orientierte Workflows
Steuerung von Outsourcing-Projekten
ComEx: Combinatorial Auctions for the Intra-Enterprise Exchange of Logistics Services
9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Early evaluation of security functionality in software projects - some experience on using the common criteria in a quality management process
Hochschulschriften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Universität
Einfluss der Nutzung des Online-Bankings auf das Produktnutzungsverhalten und die Profitabilität von Bankkunden
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 77(6)
Process Standards as Success Factor in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Modeling the Impact of IT Business Alignment on Business Process Outsourcing Success
Pre-ECIS Workshop: European Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology, sponsored by SIGADIT (Special Interest Group on the Adoption and Diffusion of IT)
Produktinteresse von Retailkunden
BankPraktiker 3(6) Juni , S. 308
Für jeden Kunden den richtigen Kanal: Wann lohnt sich die Migration zu Onlinemarketing und –banking
Geldinstitute, Nr. 3, S. 60-61
Firm-level determinants of Business Process Outsourcing decisions
18th Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA 2007)
Enabling Privacy of Real-Life LBS: A Platform for Flexible Mobile Service Provisioning
Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference
Integrating Qualified Electronic Signatures with Password Legacy Systems
Digital Evidence Journal, 4, 1, p. 5-11 , Pario Comm. Ltd.
Erfolge kalkulieren
Managementkompass Suchmaschinenmarketing im B-to-B
Secure Integration of Desktop Grids and Compute Clusters Based on Virtualization and Meta-Scheduling
Proceedings of the German e-Science Conference
File Valuation in Information Lifecycle Management
18th Annual Information Resources Management Association Conference (IRMA 2007)
Simulation of Information Lifecycle Management
18th Annual Information Resources Management Association Conference (IRMA 2007)
Grid Workflow Modelling Using Grid-Specific BPEL Extensions
Proceedings of German e-Science Conference
How Deviations from the Optimal Bidding Strategy Influence Profit in Paid Search
EMAC Conference 2007
A Critical Examination of Performance-Based Compensation Practices in Search Engine Marketing
EMAC Conference 2007
Debt Maturity and the Impact of Information Asymmetry and Ownership Structure
Recruiting Trends 2007 - European Union - An empirical survey with the top 1.000-enterprises in the EU
Trends in European clearing and settlement industry - The European code of conduct and TARGET2-Securities
Firmenkunden – Ohne Beziehungspflege kein Geschäft
Bankmagazin 05/2007
Service-Inventur: Aufnahme und Bewertung eines Services-Bestands.
Workshop "MDD, SOA und IT-Management 2007"
Familiarity with and Usage of Service-oriented Architectures in German Banks
EFL Quarterly 2/2007
Profitable Search Engine Marketing For Financial Services
EFL Quarterly 02/2007
Syndicated Loans, Lending Relationships and the Business Cycle
Online Banking Customers: Insights from Germany
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 12(1)
Zögerliches Offshoring
Banken & Sparkassen 04/2007
Arbeitsbericht 3: Projekt Wissenschaftliche Informationsversorgung und alternative Preisbildungsmechanismen (WIAP)
Die Umsetzung der MiFID “Markets in Financial Instruments Directive“ in der deutschen Finanzindustrie - Auswertung der 2. MiFID-Studie (März 2007)
The Risks of Business Process Outsourcing: A Two-Fold Assessment in the German Banking Industry
International Journal of Electronic Finance (IJEF) Vol. 1(4), pp. 420-441
Status Quo im Retailbanking 2006
E-Finance Lab Frankfurt am Main
Zwischen Online- und Offline-Kunden
Computerwoche 12/2007
Privatsphärenfreundliche topozentrische Dienste unter Berücksichtigung rechtlicher, technischer und wirtschaftlicher Restriktionen
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik
Dynamic Replanning of Web Service Workflows
IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies 2007 (IEEE DEST 2007)
Catching up with technology – The impact of regulatory changes on ECNs/MTFs and the trading venue landscape in Europe
Automated Trader Magazin (online-only Bootstrap section)
Scientific Communication - Economic Analysis of the Electronic Journal Market
Keine Neuordnung der europäischen Finanzmärkte
Börsenzeitung, 17.01.2007, p. 20.
Evaluating customer management implementations
IIMA Conference on Research in Marketing 2007
Leadership and performance in virtual teams – exploring brokerage in electronic communication
International Journal of E-Collaboration, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 31-52.
Calibration of Internal Rating Systems: The Case of Dependent Default Events
Kredit und Kapital 4/2007
Intraday Stock Price Effects of Ad Hoc Disclosures: The German Case
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol. 17 (1), pp. 1-24
Frankfurt Artificial Stock Market: A Microscopic Stock Market Model with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents in Small-World Communication Networks
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (JEIC)
Optimale Verteilung eines Budgets auf Aktivitäten zur Kundenakquisition, Kundenbindung und Add-on-Selling
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 77, Special Issue 3, S. 117-141
On Comparing the Accuracy of Default Predictions in the Rating Industry
Empirical Economics 34(2)
Credit Risk Assessment and Relationship Lending: An Empirical Analysis of German SMEs
Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 45 (2), pp. 194–213
Globalization and Diffusion of E-Business: Two Sides of the same Medal
Systèmes d'Informations et Management No 2, Vol. 12, pp. 7-20
Status und Entwicklung der MiFID-Umsetzung in der deutschen Finanzindustrie
Zeitschrift fuer Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB), Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 313-324
Implementing and evaluating the Common Information Model in a relational and RDF-based Database
ITEE 2007 - Third International ICSC Symposium
Automating Customer Complaints Management through Trust Accounts
Proceedings of the 2007 IRMA Conference, pp. 485-488
Mehrrundige Kombinatorische Auktionen beim innerbetrieblichen Austausch von Logistikdienstleistungen
Workshop auf der 37. Jahrestagung der GI: Kollaboration in der Transportlogistik
Mutual Information based Clustering of Market Basket Data for Profiling Users
19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artifical Intelligence (ICTAI-2007)
Allokation und Bepreisung kontextbezogener Kundenkontakte im Mobile Marketing
8th International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik
Business Process Outsourcing: The Challenge of Process Standardization
3rd International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Services (ICOIS)
A Cost-based Multi-Resource Auction for Service-oriented Grid Computing
8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2007)
The Design of Incentives in a Combinatorial Exchange for Intra-Enterprise Logistic Services
IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'07) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE '07)
Agents’ Bidding Strategies in a Combinatorial Auction Controlled Grid Environment
Proceedings of the AAMAS 2006 Trading Agent Design and Analysis / Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce Joint Workshop; Hakodate, LNAI 4452
Der Einfluß von Transportschicht-Anomalien auf die Performanz von Web Services
15. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2007)
Determing the Impact of Internet Channel Use on a Customers's Lifetime
EMAC Conference 2007
Evaluating Customer Channel Migration Activities
Marketing Science Conference 2007
Customer Loyalty Programs and Privacy Concerns
20th Bled eConference, Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes and Institutions
Why Paying for Performance easily Lowers Profit in Search Engine Marketing
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference
Pricing Optimization of Grid-based Financial Services
7th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA7)
Briefing on Algo Trading
Proceedings of the WFE IOMA/IOCA Annual Conference 2007, pp. 17-18
Proposing an Instrument for Evaluating the Business Value of Service-Oriented Architectures
3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom 2007)
Portfolio Performance Measurement based on Service-Oriented Grid Computing
3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom 2007)
The Impact of Collectivism on the Deaf Effect in IT Projects
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on IT Project Management pre-ICIS Workshop
Software Visualization in the Context of Service-Oriented Architectures
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (Vissoft2007)
Contractually Implementing IT Governance within Outsourcing Relationships
Working Paper
Success factors of organizational relationships between business and IT entities
13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Doctoral Consortium
Currency Boards
Knapps Enzyklopädisches Lexikon des Geld-, Bank- und Börsenwesens
SEPA: Eastward ho?
European Card Review, September/October 2007, 10-11
„Burden of debt“ in HIPC countries in the light of current account statistics
Intereconomics, Volume 42, No. 2, 2007, 105-108
Order Channel Management
EFL Quarterly, pp. 6-8.
Werbung in Suchmaschinen kann teuer werden
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 01.10.2007
Die IT- und die Fachabteilung - Zwei Welten in einer Bank? Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Zusammenarbeit von Fach- und IT-Abteilungen mit den 1.000 größten deutschen Banken
Working Paper
Kommunikationsstandards und die Ökonomie der Netzentwicklung
Wirtschaftsinformatik im Fokus der modernen Wissensökonomie, pp. 41-65,TUDpress
Modellierung des Gebotsverhaltens im Reverse Pricing
Die Kunst des Modellierens. Mathematisch-ökonomische Modelle (Hrsg. Luderer, Bernd)
Bid Formation in a Combinatorial Auction for Logistics Services
Enterprise Information Systems IX
A Diffusion Model for Communication Standards in Supply Networks
Kai Jakobs ed. Standardization Research in Information Technology: New Perspectives, IGI Global
Mittelständler und Banken: Einflussfaktoren der Bereitschaft zur Kooperation auf der Basis eingebetteter Informationssysteme
Loos, P.; Krcmar, H. (eds.): Architekturen und Prozesse. Strukturen und Dynamik in Forschung und Unternehmen
Validierung von Ratingsystemen
Handbuch Rating, Gabler Verlag, pp. 747-765
E-Business Integration by SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
Strategic Use of Information Technology for Global Organizations, pp. 201-217, IGI Publishing
Geldnachfragedefekte und die Second Economy
Albrecht F. Michler und H. Jörg Thieme (Hrsg.), Systeme monetärer Steuerung: Analyse und Vergleich geldpolitischer Strategien, Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, Band 86, Stuttgart (2007), 118-137
Bauer, H. H. / Große-Leege, D. / Rösger, J. (Hrsg.), "Interactive Marketing im Web 2.0 +"
Arbeitgebermarken im Internet - Wie sich deutsche Arbeitgeber auf ihren Karrierewebseiten präsentieren
A Microscopic Stock Market Model with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents in Small-World Communication Networks
Chair of Business Administration, esp. Information Systems
Why are Unsolicited Ratings Lower than Solicited Ratings? A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment
Return on Investment in Higher Education - Evidence for Different Subjects, Degrees and Gender in Germany
Recruiting Trends 2007 - Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den Top-1.000-Unternehmen in Deutschland sowie mit Unternehmen aus dem Mittelstand und ausgesuchten Branchen
Long Term Effects of Bank Acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe
The Impact of Business Process Outsourcing on Firm Performance and the Influence of Governance
Sichten der IT-Governance
IT-Governance 1/2007, dpunkt.verlag
Wann lohnt sich der Wechsel zu Online-Marketing und –Banking
Betriebswirtschaftliche Blätter, Issue 6, S. 312-313
Sichere Mobile Finanzdienstleistungen
digma. Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit, 7, 1, 12-15.
Potenziale für Unternehmen im Suchmaschinenmarketing
USP – Menschen im Marketing, 3/2007, S. 24-25.
Die Währungs-, Anleihen- und Aktienmarktprognosen des Zentrums für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung – Eine empirische Untersuchung des Prognoseerfolges von 1995 bis 2004
AStA – Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, Bd. 1, H. 1, 2007, pp. 43-52
Die Fallstudie aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Beiträge zur flexiblen, IT-gestützten Personalbeschaffung in Großunternehmen
WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium
Studie: Dokumente sind nicht nur Kostentreiber
CDO: Das Magazin für den Chief Document Officer, Issue 1, S. 9-10.
The concept of workspaces - re-defined for eLearning
Advanced Technology for Learning (ATL) International Journal, Special Issue on Technology for Collaborative Learning, 4:1, 2007
Managing One's Identities in Organisational and Social Settings
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 9, 2007
IT-Business-Alignment und der Wertbeitrag der IT – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie unter den 1.000 größten deutschen Banken
Zeitschrift "IM - Information Management & Consulting“, 1/2007
Modelle für ein globales Innovationsmanagement
Zeitschrift für Controlling und Innovationsmanagement, 2 (3), S. 15-18
Cooperative Sourcing - Simulation Studies and Empirical Data on Outsourcing Coalitions in the Banking Industry
Outsourcing Relationships: Designing Contracts for Successful Outsourcing -- An Analysis of the German Banking Industry
Books on Demand
A Resource-based Perspective on IT Business Alignment and Firm Performance: Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren in Finanzprozessen - IT-Management und Alignment im Kreditprozess der 1.000 groessten Banken in Deutschland
Books on Demand GmbH
Finanzcluster Frankfurt: Eine Clusteranalyse am Finanzzentrum Frankfurt/Rhein-Main
Books on Demand
Event-driven Mobile Financial Information Services – Design of an Intraday Decision Support System
Gabler / DUV
Semantische Netze im eLearning: Kontext- und zielgruppenspezifische Repräsentation von Lernobjekten mit Hilfe semantischer Netze
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
Referenzmodelle für IT Governance - Strategische Effektivität und Effizienz mit COBIT, ITIL & Co.
The following sponsors support efl - the Data Science Institute Frankfurt