Dr. Tim Krämer

Head of Customer Experience at BAUR Versand, Burgkunstadt
Dr. Tim Krämer

Dr. Tim Krämer

Head of Customer Experience at BAUR Versand, Burgkunstadt


No VHB Rating

Kraemer, Tim / Hinz, Oliver / Skiera, Bernd (2011)
How to make IT Projects accountable in the Network Economy
EFL Quarterly, 2 (2011), 4-5.
Kraemer, Tim / Hinz, Oliver / Skiera, Bernd (2010)
Return on IT Investments in Two-Sided Markets
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Brisbane, Australia, December 2010.
Kraemer, Tim / Hinz, Oliver / Skiera, Bernd (2010)
Return on Marketing Investments in Two-Sided Markets
Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2010.
Kraemer, Tim / Hinz, Oliver / Skiera, Bernd (2010)
Asymmetric Network Effects in Two-Sided Markets: Measuring the Value of the Customer Base
32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany, June 2010.
Kraemer, Tim / Hinz, Oliver / Skiera, Bernd (2010)
Asymmetric Network Effects in Two-Sided Markets: Measuring the Value of the Customer Base
Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2010. (*nominated for the Best Paper Award based on a Doctoral Dissertation)


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