Dr. Florian Glaser
Chief Technology Officer at ESG Screen17 GmbH
Dr. Florian Glaser studied business administration at the University of Cologne and the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, majoring in Statistics/Econometrics, Finance, and Supply Chain Management. In his diploma thesis, Mr. Glaser designed and implemented a genetic algorithm to optimize train operator shifts. In parallel he worked several years for an Asset Management company where he implemented various types of information systems for the portfolio management and the marketing department.
While pursuing his PhD as a research assistant at the chair of e-Finance, Mr. Glaser also worked for a software company where he developed Blockchain prototypes for large financial institutions and internally analyzed the (emergent) properties of innovative Blockchain-based systems.
Subsequently, he took a position as research group leader at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) where he focused on the application of machine learning techniques and agent-based modeling in the context of financial markets and user behavior.
Mr. Glaser successfully completed his doctoral thesis on the topic “Decentralized Digital Platforms” and in parallel obtained a master’s degree in Practical Computer Science.
Today, Mr. Glaser is working as Chief Technology Officer at ESG Screen17 GmbH.