Jour Fixe - The Annual General Meeting revisited: The role of the CEO's speech

Dr. Thomas Pauls
Monday, 14. January 2019

Jour Fixe - The Annual General Meeting revisited: The role of the CEO's speech

Dr. Thomas Pauls
Jours fixes usually take place on the first monday of the month, starting at 5:00 p.m., in HoF E.01 / Deutsche Bank of the House of Finance (Campus Westend).

Abstract: We analyze the informational value of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). As the AGM is typically preceded by several information disclosures, it may be expected to contribute only marginally to investors’ decision-making. We compile a unique comprehensive dataset of 457 German AGMs between 2008 and 2016, incorporating the CEO’s speech at the AGM using textual analysis. We find that the textual sentiment is significantly related to subsequent return reactions and firm profitability.

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