Jour Fixe - Measuring Corporate Regulatory Exposure

Dr. Jascha-Alexander Koch
Monday, 10. January 2022

Jour Fixe - Measuring Corporate Regulatory Exposure

Dr. Jascha-Alexander Koch
This jour fixe takes usually place on the first monday of the month, starting at 5:00 p.m., in HoF E.20 of the House of Finance (Campus Westend). This jour fixe is an exception and will take as a Zoom meeting. If you want to participate, please send an email to

Corporate Regulatory Exposure (joint with Timo Schäfer)

The corpus of regulation is dynamically changing and companies have increasing costs to comply with the regulation that is existing and coming up. It is not easy for companies to oversee all regulations efficiently. Thus, we have developed a decision support framework that identifies relevant regulations based on natural language processing. This framework helps companies to identify those regulations that are most likely of relevance for them.


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