Jour Fixe - Home Equity Release Products and Retirement Provision

Caroline Knebel
Monday, 06. November 2023

Jour Fixe - Home Equity Release Products and Retirement Provision

Caroline Knebel
This jour fixe takes place on Monday, 6. November 2023, starting at 5:00 p.m. in HoF 1.27 of the House of Finance (Campus Westend). If you want to participate, please send an email to

Home Equity Release Products and Retirement Provision

Due to the challenges accompanying demographic change, responsibility for old-age provision has shifted from the state level to the individual level over the last decades. While individuals' motivation usually is to live rent-free during retirement, they may not be aware that their accumulated housing equity is also a contribution to their later livelihood. Individuals face various options, for example a real estate life annuity or a reverse mortgage. In our study, we aim to answer the following research questions: Is the home equity release decision determined by the offer? And what factors drive the decision? Therefore, we conduct a vignette study in Germany during fall 2020 with 2,660 participants. Our sample is representative of the German adult population aged 30 and older. We ask the participants to make a decision for a retired couple who lives in their debt-free home. Also, we study heterogeneity with respect to home ownership.


The following sponsors support efl - the Data Science Institute Frankfurt